Keep up-to-date with the life of everyone's favourite rainbow character.

Friday, May 04, 2007

May the 4th be with you!

To celebrate May the 4th, Chemistry Digital had a Star Wars day. Most of them just used their weekend clothes during the week and as with all events like this I ended up having a family tiff with Son of Zippy. He eventually announced that he was my father, which confused the hell out of me, as I was supposed to be Obi Wan.

I think he read the script for the wrong episode!

Take a look at the pictures below. Spot the virgins!

Star Wars at Chemistry

Darth Zippy vs Obi Zip Kenobi

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i remember the "return of the rainbow" and "the empire spanks back". they where great! The guys, girls and aliens look cool at work - nice to see the rebels and empire getting on to create some great stuff!