Keep up-to-date with the life of everyone's favourite rainbow character.

Friday, February 16, 2007

The Island

Hello everyone! Hope you enjoyed the pictures from yesterday, I look forward to reading your comments when I get back from my holidays.

Well this is another autopost I've set up in advance...

People keep asking me where I've been all these years, well I'll tell you.

After Rainbow finished I was a bit down and so I turned to the only thing that could help me in this situation.....drink!

One day, I was steaming when a man with a very black beard asked me if I wanted to join his gang. I was well up for some excitement, so I said yes and 5 minutes later I found myself a on a pirate ship!

Over the years I grew a great moustache, lost an eye and somehow ended up stranded on a desert island with only my Octopus friend, Olly and a chest full of treasure.

Months passed until one day, when I was really missing the rum, a navy ship anchored on the island, I offered them the treasure and Olly for a bottle of Rum and a trip home. That night we feasted on Octopus sandwiches washed down with the best black navy rum and by the morning I was back in England.

Here's a picture of Olly and me on the Island, I really miss the old fella, we had some good times of the Isle of Wight, but somethings are just more important...


Anonymous said...

Oh no! Zippy - have you really lost an eye??? Can this be true???

Anonymous said...

Do we get to meet the rest of your pirate crew. Did you see Captain Pugwash? Captain Sparrow? Captain Birdseye or even Errol Flynn? What were fish fingers like?

Zippy said...

I did lose an eye but when I got back to England the nice lady at the charity shop sewed me a new one on.

I will try and fish out a picture of me and the crew and will post it soon.