I'm back
Well kids, I've not blogged for a while, but I'm back!
I've been really busy at work, working on sites for Cable and Wireless, D-Link and Cadbury's. Why not take a look at what I've been helping with over 2007.
So a quick catch up, since I last blogged, I've been up to all sorts...
...In December, I spent a week in Geneva with Nicole and Sam, it was very cold and snowy, but I got plenty of cuddles from Nicole and she even let me wear her (ear) muff....s. The snow got me in the mood for Christmas, so I spent some time drinking with my new buddy Rudolph, then we went ice skating, although I was pretty bad at that, so spent most of the day on my bum :(
Some pictures below, more on my photostream
I spent Christmas with Mat in Derby, and Son of Zippy spent his up near Stoke with Claire, where he ate so much he nearly burst!Claire bought Son of Zippy some lovely chocolate coins, and Mat got me a satsuma and an apple. We bought them nothing in return!
Before all that, Chemistry Digital had it's Christmas Party, and being as I'm not allowed to drink, I volunteered to take lots of photographs, unfortunately that meant I wasn't in any of the photos, perhaps that's why everyone was so keen to let me take them!
So after Christmas, I was sooo tired from all the partying Tony and Sofia offered to take me on holiday to lovely, wet and windy Sweden, the 12th country I've visited with my amazing friends from Chemistry Digital. Sofia is from Sweden so we had a very good guide to the local customs and language...Tjéna, hur är det?
I've been living and working in Nottingham almost a year now, but with all the travelling I'd never had chance to see the local sights, so Steve decided to take me out for the day around this little town.
Being such a great company, Chemistry Digital decided we'd worked so hard in January that they would take us Go-Karting for the evening. After a long trip, and a lot of getting lost on the way to Wymeswold, we got suited up, got our game faces on and crashed into loads of tyres. Except of course for Lee, Karen H, Tony and Mark H on Team 3, who wiped the floor with the rest of us to claim the Chemistry Digital Karting Championship 2008.
So there you have it, as you can see I've been very busy, but I'll be writing loads this year, I promise.
See you soon kids